Barbara on Star - Walters Responds To "Hateful" Attack!

Somehow Star Jones just can’t get over the past.

She’ll mention The View or how badly she was treated whenever she ca!

And just recently, Jones had an interview with Essense magazine where she reveals some more about her past job.

If you recall, Star used to work at The View for nine years until her contract wasn’t renewed back in 2006. But, she says that the other women on the show were very “hateful” towards her as she was leaving.

However, Barbara Walters isn’t taking any of that.

In a response to Jones’ remarks, Walters said, “Star had wonderful years with us on The View. And, I think The View made Star a star.”

Very true!

Walters also said she wishes “her well.”

Wonder if Jones will respond?

[Image via Buzz Foto.]