Street Artist Wanksy Is Painting Penis Graffiti All Over Town -- And It's Actually For A Good Cause!

We know what you’re thinking. Great, some graffiti artist is treating the street like a passed-out frat brother.
Not so fast!
These penis drawings are actually good for the street!
[ Photo: Ballsy Pilot Draws Magnificent, Graceful Penis With His Plane! ]
In an act that we’re going to go ahead and call a sterling example of civil disobedience, an artist calling himself “Wanksy” has begun spray painting penises around potholes.
Why? It’s the only way they get fixed! He told The Manchester Evening News:

“The roads of Manchester are in an appalling state, especially around Bury. I have cyclist friends who have been hospitalized…
People will drive over the same pothole and forget about it. Suddenly you draw something amusing around it, everyone sees it and it either gets reported or fixed.”

Wow! And it really works!
Wanksy says his town of Ramsbottom, a suburb of Manchester, is actually fixing the potholes now!
But why is the penis so important? He explained:

“I wanted to attract attention to the pothole and make it memorable. Nothing seemed to do this better than a giant comedy phallus. It’s also speedy, I don’t want to be in the road for a long time. It seems to have become my signature. I just want to make people smile and draw attention to the problem. It seems to be working.”

Well then, keep up the good — and hard — work! And ch-ch-check out more of his dicktures (above)!
[Image via Facebook.]