Welsh Government Responds To Questions About UFO Sightings In A Surprising Yet Awesome Pop Culture Language!

Uhm…say again?
Apparnetly the Welsh government speaks an other OTHER language!
When the Welsh government was asked a series of questions about UFO sightings that have happened recently in Cardiff, they responded in a very strange but totally AH-Mazing and appropriate way!
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Darren Millar, the Details Shadow Health Minister, had inquired about details regarding various UFO sightings and wanted to know if the government was going to fund research.
Well apparently, a Welsh government spokesperson responded by saying:

“jang vIDa je due luq.”

And continued by saying:

“‘ach ghotvam’e’ QI’yaH devolve qaS.”

Confused? You’re not alone! That’s because they decided to respond in the Klingon language. That’s right, the same language used in the popular Star Trek series by the alien race, quite often portrayed as villains, the Klingons!
But it wasn’t just jibberish. Klingon has become an actual language now and when translated to English, it says:

“The minister will reply in due course. However this is a non-devolved matter.”

After receiving this response to his questions, Millar said:

“I’ve always suspected that Labour ministers came from another planet. This response confirms it.”

We’re guessing this won’t be the norm and they were just having a bit of fun, but then again, they could be making a push to popularize a great pop culture language!