When Bjork Attacks!

Don’t mess with Bjork. She’ll fuck you up!
The temperamental star has done it again!
Upon arriving at the airport in Auckland, New Zealand, on Sunday, the singer was snapped by a local paparazzo. Well, she was having none of that and beat the shit out of him.
Photographer Glenn Jeffrey claims:

“I took a couple of pictures … and as I turned and walked away she came up behind me, grabbed the back of my black skivvy (T-shirt) and tore it.”
“As she did this, she fell over, she fell to the ground. At no stage did I touch her or speak with her.”
Bjork said nothing throughout the incident but her male companion was saying: “‘B, don’t do this, B, don’t do this.”

Ooops, well she did it. Again.
Cuz she can. That’s just how she rolls!
[Image via WENN.]