Margaret Cho

Whitney Port Weighs In On Spencer & Stephanie Pratt's Intense Feud -- 'They Kind Of Want You To Pick Sides'

Whitney Port isn’t getting involved in the never-ending drama between Spencer Pratt and Stephanie Pratt, but that doesn’t mean she can’t give her two cents!
The Hills: New Beginnings star weighed in on the “really intense” sibling drama to E! News two months ahead of the anticipated revival premiere.
Related: Whitney Port Tearfully Addresses Being Bullied At A New Mom Event
The 34-year-old, whose husband Tim Rosenman and son Sonny “won’t really be a big part of the show,” explained:

“They have some deeply-rooted issues that I would love for them to work out, but I’m not sure they’re at the place themselves where they want to work it out yet.”

She continued, sharing that it was “hard” for her to pick sides, which is why she isn’t going to:

“There is this need or push to pick sides. They kind of want you to pick sides, but I’m really not that kind of person. I don’t know the situation enough or the issues they have enough in order to pick sides. I just think that it’s more grey than black and white with them.”

Don’t worry Whit, we can catch you up on what you missed!

ICYMI, a spark reignited between the Pratt siblings when Steph took the first jab on her podcast Pratt Cast in early April.
The 33-year-old said:

“I’m not going to pretend that Spencer and Heidi are good people like I was doing for most of the series for my parents. For the [expletive] they have done to me recently, I’m done. This is why I moved to London. I’m done… They are the most toxic people I’ve ever met. They are Bonnie and Clyde till they die so if they say this sky is black, all of us are morons for saying it’s blue.”

But if you Gunner Pratt‘s parents well enough, you’d realize they don’t go down without a fight either! The momma replied on an episode of HER podcast, Make Speidi Famous Again, about the drama with her sis-in-law:

“I had a lot of on-Hills drama with a family member and that was very challenging and heartbreaking. I felt like there were some very below-the-belt, nasty comments that weren’t even true.”

This once-hot feud had been on the back-burner for quite some time, so it could be possible that it’s being fired up as part of publicity for the MTV revival…

We need some crystals!!

June 24 can’t come fast enough, let the drama begin (or for the Pratts, continue)!!
[Image via Derrick Salters/Phil Lewis/FayesVision/WENN.]