Woman Shares Shocking Story Of Getting A Vibrator Stuck In Her Ass! Read The ASStounding Tale!

What a pain in the ass!
Some social media users like to document every single thing that happens in their lives.
For Emma Rowlands, that includes letting her Facebook friends know about the time she was hospitalized for getting a dildo stuck up in her ass!
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On Sunday, the sex toy enthusiast posted about her eventful weekend in which her “Saturday morning playtime” went south after her vibrator got stuck in her “bowel areas.”
Complete with a hospital bed selfie (above), Rowlands chronicled her medical journey in getting her toy surgically dislodged from her ass, sharing:

Such a trooper!
However, it looks like Rowlands might get something out of this erotic misadventure, as her post was seen by someone who works at an adult store who offered up a free vibrator for her troubles!
The Facebook account for sex shop Scandals wrote:

Feel better, girl! Let’s just hope she picks a better fitting model this time…
[Image via Facebook.]