Wonder Woman Puts Batman & Superman To Shame With A Kickass First Trailer At Comic-Con! Watch!

It’s finally here!
Warner Bros have given us numerous reboots of Batman and Superman over the years with, let’s say mixed results.
Well, it looks like in 2017, Wonder Woman is going to show the boys how it’s done!
Photos: The Top 20 Most Badass Female Movie Characters Of All Time!
We have no idea why execs didn’t think a movie about the most iconic female superhero would sell *cough*sexism*cough* but if this AMAZING San Diego Comic-Con footage is anything to go on, it’s going to be THE event movie of next year!
But we’ll let the lethal lady speak for herself. Watch the action-packed first trailer (below)!

Wonder Woman stars Gal Gadot, Chris Pine, and Robin Wright and hits theaters June 2, 2017!