'Yanny Or Laurel' Creator Gives The REAL Answer! That Voice Is Saying...

The Yanny/Laurel debate is over!
On Wednesday, after a daylong national debate, Wired found the high school students who first posted the audio clip.
Freshman Katie Hetzel explained she had recorded the voice from a vocabulary site for a school project and found her classmates divided on what it was saying. Then her friend Fernando Castro posted it to his Instagram as a poll, and in turn his friend Roland Szabo posted it to Reddit — from there it got put on Twitter where it quickly went viral.
But the important part? The recording, which is of an opera singer with excellent diction speaking the word aloud for Vocabulary.com, is of the word…
Related: Celebs Take Sides In The Laurel Vs. Yanny Debate!
So congratulations, #TeamLaurel. LOLz, did you really think Chrissy Teigen was wrong??
Actually, experts say there is no wrong here. Apparently the ambiguity lies in the frequency we hear at — the higher frequency sounds make the listener hear “yanny” while the lower frequency sounds like “laurel.”
For many people, the ears hear one at first before adjusting to the frequency and hearing the other.
Which did YOU hear???
[Image via Twitter.]