Ye Shiwen Denies Swimming Doping Allegations

Well yeah, of course she’s going to deny it! Who just admits to allegations on the fly without proof??
We’re not implying that she had doped — we don’t think that at all. We’re pretty sure she’s just a magnificent swimmer.
That hasn’t stopped people who were shocked by her performance to call it into question, which has to be hard for young Ye Shiwen.
Here’s what she said in response to all the haters:

“My achievements derive from diligence and hard work, I will never use drugs. Chinese athletes are clean. The Chinese team is extremely strict on doping control, so I can assure you that is not an issue with us.”

What was it that people were cautious about?
She smashed the world record in the 400-meter individual medley final, and stunned onlookers by logging a faster time in the last 50 meters than U.S. champion Ryan Lochte.
We just think she’s a badass.
The head of the World Swimming Association isn’t buying it:

“We want to be very careful about calling it doping.The one thing I will say is that history in our sport will tell you that every time we see something, and I will put quotation marks around this, ‘unbelievable’, history shows us that it turns out later on there was doping involved. That last 100 meters was reminiscent of some old East German swimmers, for people who have been around a while. It was reminiscent of the 400-meter individual medley by a young Irish woman in Atlanta.”

He’s talking about Michelle Smith, now de Bruin, who won gold in three events at the 1996 Olympics only to receive a four-year ban two years later after being found guilty of tampering with a urine sample.
We say give it a rest, and let test results speak for themselves — there’s no need to beat up a young girl over an amazing performance if there’s no proof, this should be a happy moment for her!
Congrats, Ye!
[Image via AP Images.]