You Read It Here First!

Britney has flaked on Vegas for sure.
“She’s 100% not going,” a source very close to Spears tells exclusively.
The trainwreck is not starting off her “comeback” on good footing!
Spears was scheduled to be at the grand opening of the new LAX nightclub at the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas (and get paid quite nicely for it).
Why’d she cancel???
“Because she just felt like it,” our Britney insider tells us.
The owners of Pure in Vegas also own the new LAX at the Luxor. And we all know how Britney had a disastrous New Year’s Eve there this year.
We love this mess!
Every time she seems to get her life in order, she fucks it up again!!!!
P.S. Where was Spears’ new manager, Jeff Kwatinetz of The Firm????
He should have been shoving that bitch’s ass on the plane!
He obviously can’t conrtrol his client.
Jeff should fire Britney!!!
[Image via Celebrity Babylon.]