Zefron To Cut Footloose Finally!

The producers of the Footloose remake want a ride on the Zac Efron train while it’s hot!
After learning that High School Musical 3 opened to gigantor numbers, they put the Zaquisha starring Footloose on the fast track, says Variety.
It’s scheduled to go into production in the spring of 2009.
Zacquisha will reportedly earn a mid-seven-figure salary for the flick!!!!
He’s also going to have script approval.
Way to flex those defined muscles, Z!
Peter Sollett, who directed Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist (one of our fave movies of the year!), has been brought on board to boss Zacquisha and crew around on the set of Footloose.
We’re excited about the remake!
Are U?