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This Airline's LITTLE Spelling Error Sent A Passenger 4,000 Miles Away From His Destination!

This Airline's LITTLE Spelling Error Sent A Passenger 4,000 Miles Away From His Destination!

airline spelling error sends man grenada granada lawsuit 4000 miles
Imagine if you slept through a flight that seemed to take forever and woke up to find that your plane had landed…on the wrong continent!
Well that’s what happened to Edward Gamson. The American dentist and his partner booked a lovely vacation that included London, Granada, and Lisbon.
That’s Granada, the beautiful historic town in Spain.
Unfortunately, British Airways sent the couple from London to GRENADA, the island in the Caribbean! And you thought spelling wasn’t important!
Though the airline promised to fix the error, they were not able to get the lost lovers off the island for THREE DAYS – too late to get back to Spain. As you can imagine, Dr. Gamson was furious! He said:

“I made it absolutely clear to the booking agent I wanted to go to Granada in Spain. Why on earth would I want to go to Grenada in the Caribbean if I was flying back to America from Lisbon?
It’s just so sad. A trip we had been really looking forward to was ruined and… BA won’t do the decent thing.”

The decent thing would be a full reimbursement of the ticket prices. That’s what the company did for the last person for whom this mistake was made – which was only a week before!
But for some reason British Airways has refused to pay back Edward. So instead he’s is suing for $34,000 in damages!
We’re not sure how he got to that number as the tickets were only $4,500. But you can’t put a price on a ruined vacation! Well, less than five figures anyway…

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Jun 24, 2014 21:31pm PDT