Amber Rose's Slut Walk Is A Success, But What About The Shade She Threw At Kanye West?!

This is inneresting!
Amber Rose held a Slut Walk in El Lay on Saturday afternoon, and while it sounds like it was a success across the board, she did manage to shade Kanye West in the process!
Related: Listen To Amber Tell All On The PHP!
In a reference to Yeezy’s comments several months ago about needing to take 30 showers after being with Rose and before he could date Kim Kardashian West, Amber called him out with a sign — held by her mother! — at today’s event.
Ch-ch-check out the sign (below)!!!

Whoa!! Is this #ShotsFired or #YouGoGirl?!
Either way, congrats to Amber and everybody else at Slut Walk for what sounds like a successful demonstration on women’s sexual empowerment!!!
[Image via 3rd Eye/WENN.]