Legal Matters

Andrew Tate Loses Appeal -- Romanian Judge Orders Him To Stay In Prison While Awaiting Charges!

Andrew Tate‘s hopes for getting out of jail have been rejected by a Romanian judge.

The social media influencer, who was arrested alongside his brother Tristan very late last year amid accusations of human trafficking, has been ordered to stay in jail for at least another month while awaiting trial.

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According to the BBC, Andrew will remain in Romanian custody until at least February 27 after a judge rejected his appeal to be ousted from jail. This all started last month, when a judge initially extended the court’s order of detention until the very end of February. The Tate brothers’ lawyers appealed that ruling at the time. But on Wednesday, the Bucharest Court of Appeal upheld it and ordered the social media influencer to stay in prison.

Romanian officials have not yet officially charged Andrew or his brother as they continue to investigate the case. The Tate brothers’ new legal advisor, Tina Glandian, told the media this month-plus detention without charges is “a violation of international human rights law.”

She spoke to reporters immediately before her clients’ appeal was rejected on Wednesday. In her comments, she slammed “outside pressures” that she believes have impacted the case against Andrew and Tristan. Glandian also added:

“So far the system has failed.”

Andrew has clearly been feeling the pressures of prison. On Wednesday, cameras were on scene in Bucharest as he was led into court while shackled to Tristan. Seeing the media assembled in front of him, a disheveled-looking Andrew said he was “innocent” of the human trafficking accusations.

Related: Andrew Tate Allegedly Texted WHAT To Rape Accuser?!

You can watch a brief part of that exchange via the Irish Independent (below):

For now, Andrew and Tristan will remain behind bars at least for another four weeks. Meanwhile, Romanian investigators continue to make their human trafficking case against the controversial social media influencer.

And so the legal battle goes on…

[Image via Samuel Leeds/YouTube/The Independent/YouTube]