Angelina Jolie's Fight Isn't A Solo Fight!

When it comes to breast cancer, there are waaaaaay more people out there that have to deal with it than you think. From your next door neighbors, to your family — even other celebrities have had to deal with the scariness and tough decisions that come along with it!
Luckily for Angelina Jolie, she was able to make a preventative move and have a double mastectomy after learning about her increased risk. For some of these other brave celebrities, though, the fight began AFTER their diagnosis!
All are inspiring!!
CLICK HERE to see other strong celebs who have faced breast cancer and WON!!!
CLICK HERE to see other strong celebs who have faced breast cancer and WON!!!
CLICK HERE to see other strong celebs who have faced breast cancer and WON!!!
CLICK HERE to see other strong celebs who have faced breast cancer and WON!!!
[Image via WENN.]