Aziz Ansari Made A Music Video To Kanye West's Famous In Italy & It's The Greatest Thing We've Ever Seen

Bless you, Aziz Ansari!
The 33-year-old comedian partnered up with his Master Of None co-star Eric Wareheim to create this glorious music video documenting their trip in Italy — all set to Kanye West‘s Famous!
We honestly think this is better than anything Yeezy could’ve done himself! LOL!
In the hilarious video, the self-proclaimed Little Bud and Big Bud eat and dance their way through the beautiful country, and we’ve got some serious FOMO!
Holy pasta!!!
Related: Jimmy Fallon & Aziz Share A Very Intimate Textual Experience!
You’ve just gotta see this one for yourselves:

Kanye West – Famous from Eric Wareheim on Vimeo.
So. Freakin’. Good.
And if that’s not enough for you, we highly recommend checking out some of their vacation pics in the gallery (above)!
Anyone up for a trip abroad right about now?!
[Image via Instagram.]