Beating The Old Habits And Sticking To That Resolution

So, how’s that New Year’s Resolution going? Good?
Not so good?
We’re sure you’re not alone. Even this FitPerezcious reader needs a little help:

Can you help me come up with a New Year’s resolution I will stick to? I usually tell myself I’m going to lose 15 pounds and get in great shape each year but by January 15 I’ve usually given up and gone back to my old habits.

Luckily, she and everyone else who is struggling can count on Dr. J with some advice!

Ditching one’s disempowering habits can feel like the Civil War at your core. When it comes to the Battle of the Bulge, my first suggestion is to find reinforcements. Partner up with a friend or family member who also has a resolution for the New Year. This will be your support system and someone to hold you accountable to accomplish what it is you say you want to accomplish! This person will stick by you however long it takes to get there and you will do the same for them. Having to report to someone besides yourself often keeps us on track, and even better, you will have someone there to sing your praises when you reach success milestones! You may also need to change how you think about losing weight. For some people, when they lose something they do whatever it takes to find it again. That’s sabotaging your efforts! So, instead of thinking about trimming down as Losing weight, think of it as Releasing those extra pounds. When you release something, you are letting go, not misplacing it. Finally, help yourself drop those pounds by structuring your success. Plan for something extraordinary that will require a game plan and a schedule. Think Marathon, Hiking Half Dome, a 100 mile bike ride, Going Rim to Rim in the Grand Canyon…Dream Big!!! Set a date and follow through. Create momentum in your life so that the only option is Success. Think Fit, not Fat or Thin. When you Focus on the Finish line and not your waistline, you’ll be amazed how the pounds will drop and your self-esteem will rise. You will Live in fulfillment with your achievements. Can’t wait to hear what an amazing year 2012 is for You!

The partner idea is so fab!
It’s much easier to conquer goals when you have reinforcements and aren’t taking on the world by yourself. Ask others to help, and better yet, to do it with you!
Great advice, Dr. J! Thanks!
If you’ve got a question about how to handle something bothering you in life, shoot us an email or ask the doctor himself @AskDocJ on Twitter!