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Star Seeker

Thank You Straight Dudes

Ughhh. It’s just one of those days where your head hurts and you feel a little icky. Perezzers doesn’t usually drink much, but last night the Queen of All Media went to a lovely dinner to celebrate the start of a new project and we have a few too many Absolut and Red Bulls. We […]

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Lance Bass Needs Your Help!

A gay boy’s dream is coming true. Lance Bass is going to be on Broadway! The former Nstink-er has signed on for the roll (as Britney would say) of Corny Collins in Hairspray. His first performance is August 14th. But, Lance needs your help. He’s either poor or cheap. Or maybe both! The fagulous star […]

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Quote Of The Day

“I├óΓé¼Γäóm really am so flattered because I feel that people actually do miss the show and the characters. I thought that the series really ended so well and to reopen it it would have to be a great script. As with any project that you do it really starts and ends with the script, you├óΓé¼Γäóve […]

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The Final Countdown

Snatcher showed up! Eva Longoria and Tony Parker boarded a yacht in Paris on Thursday night, with guests such as Desperate Housewives star Teri Hatcher. We’re surprised she even got an invite. The couple are having a small civil ceremony today and their big over-the-top wedding in a castle tomorrow. [Images via Pacific Coast News.] […]

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Beautiful Disaster

It doesn’t get any hotter than this. Perfection. Pete Doherty performed a gig at The Boogaloo club on Archway Road in London on Thursday night. After the show, Doperty got his crack on! Recently dumped by Kate Moss for his cheating ways, Petey looks like he’s taking the breakup very badly. How badly? Two hats. […]

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But What I Really Wanna Do Is Sing

Hayden Panettiere wants to give this whole music thing a try. The Heroes star dipped her toes in the water by performing at the Capitol Fourth concert in Washington D.C. on the 4th of July. She sang the National Anthem and she’s not bad. She’s not good either! Sometimes mediocrity is death. Click here to […]

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