Christina Aguilera Burns Her Bridges With The Voice In Brutally Honest New Interview!

The real Christina Aguilera is coming back!
The “truth girl” tells Billboard her new album, Liberation, is as big a breakthrough to her safe The Voice image as Stripped was to her Disney days.
Video: Christina’s Accelerate – REACTING Live!
She’s obviously ready to get real, talking about her time on TV, getting new tracks produced by Kanye West, and finally getting back to touring after many years.
See what she says (below):
On The Voice
Christina calls The Voice a “churning hamster wheel” and an “energy sucker” during which she “was longing for freedom.”
She says at the end of every day, she’d have to shake off the artifice of reality TV:

“I would just take everything off — the makeup, all of it — and would blast hip-hop, or Nirvana, Creep, Slayer. Anything like that to get me out of that zone, that TV mode.”

What was so bad about it?

“It became something that I didn’t feel was what I had signed up for in season one. You realize it’s not about music. It’s about making good TV moments and massaging a story.
I didn’t get into this business to be a television show host and to be given all these [rules]. Especially as a female: You can’t wear this, can’t say that. I would find myself on that show desperately trying to express myself through clothing or makeup or hair. It was my only kind of outlet.”

On Kanye West
Kanye produced Accelerate and Maria on the new album. Christina says:

“I’ve always been a huge fan of Kanye. Outside of, you know, his controversial aspects, I just think he’s a great artist and musicmaker and beatmaker. The artists that he chooses to pluck from different walks of life are so interesting.”

Those “controversial aspects” may not be what you think — this interview was given nearly two weeks before his return to Twitter.
On Touring Again
Xtina hasn’t been on tour in a decade, and for a very good reason — her kids:

“Touring is so frightening to me, because I am a mom first. It’s part of why I stayed in the position I was [at The Voice]. It’s easy to get comfortable and cushy in the same place and not have to worry about uprooting your kids. I’ve been putting myself on the back burner.”

But that’s about to change:

“It needs to happen. I’m looking forward to getting back out and actually showing my kids what Mommy really does!

We can’t wait!
[Image via NBC.]