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Curvy Woman's Butt Selfie Deleted From Instagram Even Though It's TAME Compared To Other Butt Selfies! We're Looking At You Kim Kardashian!

Curvy Woman's Butt Selfie Deleted From Instagram Even Though It's TAME Compared To Other Butt Selfies! We're Looking At You Kim Kardashian!

instagram deletes curvy woman butt selfie
Meghan Tonjes is a 29-year-old woman, and champion of promoting a healthy body image.
She’s a beautiful, curvy woman and has been chronicling her weight loss journey on Instagram. Meghan loves her body at any size and hopes others will be inspired by her confidence.
She said:

“I’ve posted photos along my weight-loss and transformation of me in gym clothes, in underwear, just photos of parts of my body that I’m super happy with and I’m super proud of and I’ve embraced getting older. I have pride for my curves. My still very fat body, I like a lot.”

Then came her infamous butt selfie: a shot of her curvy, fit fanny. No more revealing than anyone else’s butt photos online.
Yet Instagram still removed the pic for being in violation of their nudity rules!
When she got the email saying it was removed, she was upset and took to YouTube, denouncing the social media site’s poor decision.
After the video got some real traction, Instagram took notice and restored her photo.
They released a statement:

“We try hard to find a good balance between allowing people to express themselves creatively and keeping Instagram a fun and safe place. Our guidelines put limitations on nudity and mature content, but we recognize that we don├óΓé¼Γäót always get it right. In this case, we made a mistake and have since restored the content.”

We’re really glad they did this, that was absolutely the right move to make.
Butt selfie equality for all!!
You’re beautiful, Meghan!!
[Image via YouTube/Instagram.]

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May 23, 2014 14:01pm PDT

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