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U.S. Treasury Reimburses Man Whose Dog Ate $500!

U.S. Treasury Reimburses Man Whose Dog Ate $500!

The U.S. treasury reimbursed the owner of a dog who ate $500!!

Wow! Looks like the U.S. Government got something right!

The Treasury did, at least.

Wayne Klinkel has an old golden retriever, Sundance.

Sundance is a great dog and super cute but tends to indiscriminately eat anything.

On one unlucky day, he happened to eat $500!!

When visiting his daughter, he and his wife left Sundance in their car for about 45 minutes.

At some point, Sundance got into a cubbyhole between the car’s front seats and found five $100 bills. He promptly ate them.

After waiting several days and following around his dog with rubber gloves and plastic baggies, he recovered most of his money. Then, after some serious scrubbing with “lots of dish soap,” Klinkel dried, ironed and taped the bills back together.

After he discovered that no bank was willing to swap out his busted bills, he went to U.S. Treasury Department’s Bureau of Engraving and Printing. They said:

“We get an enormous amount of mutilated currency cases each year. As long as you have 51 percent of the bill, our examiners work to make sure that the bill identified is genuine, and then you├óΓé¼Γäóll receive a check in the mail once the case is closed.”

And that’s exactly what happened for Klinkel!!

He received a check for $500 six months later! Congrats!!

This technique may also be effective for dogs who “eat homework” too! LOLz!

[Image via Eliza Wiley/Independent Record.]

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Oct 03, 2013 12:22pm PDT

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