EXCLUSIVE! Watch Devin Kirtz Take On Lukas Graham's Hit Song 7 Years!

If you don’t listen to Devin Kirtz yet, you seriously should!
We’re absolutely LOVING the California native’s second single, My Day, which dropped earlier this year! But it turns out the soccer-star-turned-singer is also exceptionally talented at slaying other artists’ songs, too!
The gorgeous guy stopped by our studio to exclusively perform his take on Lukas Graham‘s super successful hit, 7 Years!
Video: Lukas Graham Performs 7 Years On Ellen!
And we have to admit we were obsessed with the former pro athlete’s rendition!
The handsome musician’s soulful vocals were backed up by an electric guitar, a keyboard, and a hand drum, which is makes for a super cool combination that you just HAVE to watch!
Ch-ch-check out his AH-mazing performance (above)!