Diabetes Cases In The U.S. Could Triple By 2050

According to a recent report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in three American adults will have diabetes by 2050.
23.6 million Americans are currently living with diabetes (1 in 10), and 6 million don’t even know they have it. 57 million Americans are pre-diabetic and will develop it at some point in their lives.
Ann Albright, director of the CDC’s Division of Diabetes Translation, said two factors contribute to the expected rise in diabetes cases: people are living longer and doctors are diagnosing them earlier.
The majority of new cases in the coming years will be Type-2 Diabetes, which is often a result of poor diet and exercise.
This is an epidemic! We all need to make changes in the way we are living our lives! Don’t wait to start making healthy lifestyle changes!
[Image via AP Images.]