Watch Trump Tell School Shooting Survivors He Is 'Very Strongly' Considering Arming Teachers!

How is it possible for one man to come down on the wrong side of literally every issue?
At this point we knew not to get our hopes up too much when Donald Trump announced his “listening session” with people affected by school shootings, but really? Arming teachers?
Related: Conservatives Are Now Attacking The Florida High School Shooting Survivors…
You’re going to tell a group of survivors and next of kin that MORE GUNS in the classroom is a serious part of your plan??
Watch the horrifying moment and see some of the strongest responses (below):

Even candidate Trump knew to steer clear of that!

There really is always a tweet…
As for how reasonable people who focus on facts and data instead of “good guy with a gun” fantasies feel about it, well:

But the best response may have come from inside that room:

You can watch the whole video (below) but make sure to look and see if you notice Trump referring to his fucking crib notes around minute 50:25 reminding him to sound sympathetic:

“I hear you.” Yeah. Ugh.

[Image via CNBC/YouTube.]