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YouTube Star Dr. Mike DRAGGED For Partying Maskless With Models -- While Telling Fans To Follow Pandemic Safety Precautions

Dr. Mikhail Varshavski has become quite the internet celeb over the past couple years, known as  the “hot doctor,” the “sexiest doctor alive” according to People magazine, or more simply just as Dr. Mike.

On his Instagram account and YouTube channel, Dr. Mike debunks medical myths, points out what’s wrong with popular medical TV shows, and answers all your questions about medicine — all while looking effortlessly sexy as hell.

And when he puts in an effort? Damn.




Unfortunately the good doctor was not such a good boy on his birthday earlier this month! And you know what isn’t sexy? Hypocrisy!

See, Dr. Mike has been one of the few mononymous celeb doctors to actually share GOOD takes on the coronavirus! Dr. Drew told everyone it was just the flu and not to worry about it, Dr. Phil compared COVID deaths to car crash deaths — in other words calling them acceptable losses while simultaneously ignoring the contagion aspect of the virus — and Dr. Oz suggested we should consider the “tradeoff” of 6-9 million lives if it meant getting kids back in school.

Related: Dr. Phil & Dr. Oz Both Apologized BTW

But not Dr. Mike! He has been out here, on his IG, on his YT channel, even on CNN and Fox Business telling everyone to follow all the safety regulations suggested by the CDC and WHO:


Here he is interviewing the one and only Dr. Anthony Fauci for his YT channel:

We told you! That vid has 5.7 million views. He’s been a voice of reason in a time when the government has not really provided much of that.

Mostly he’s been hammering the basics: keep your mask on, practice social distancing, don’t do really stupid and dangerous things like throw parties without masks.

Even parties on yachts with bikini-clad models.

Sigh. Yeah. That’s exactly what Dr. Mike did for his birthday earlier this month. He partied on a yacht with a bunch of models. Without masks.

Photos and videos taken by some of the women involved have slowly surfaced, and fans are NOT happy about it!

Just check out this pic spotted:

(c) Instagram via

BTW, that’s Sunset Harbor in Miami. Dr. Mike lives in New York City. That means he also unnecessarily flew 1,300 miles for a bday party. Remind you of anyone?

Related: Kim Kardashian DRAGGED For Island Getaway

After all that talk, the hot doc was NOT practicing what he was preaching! What a terrible example!

Fans have been posting their disapproval on Reddit since the discovery. Here’s a few of the more powerful examples:

“I know it’s your life and you can do what you want, but you have chosen to be a public figure. And because of that, and your profession, you are held to a higher standard. You are supposed to be the example. I admired and respected you. Now that is all lost.”

“He is literally putting his patients’ lives in danger.”

“This year was awful and Dr. Mike was a safe place for me. I was actually glad I discovered him before the pandemic, because without him, I would’ve probably lost my mind with crazy conspiracies. I never cared about my health, I never trusted doctors before him, now I don’t know what to believe or do anymore. I was able to bring my family back to reality only with the information and arguments he has provided in his videos.”

Thus far Dr. Mike has not come forward with an apology or even a defense of the reckless behavior. We’re guessing he’d rather keep knowledge of it contained to the dark corners of Reddit instead of sharing with his 6.5 million subscribers. Wouldn’t want to tarnish that sexy image, right??

[Image via Dr Mike/YouTube/Instagram.]