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Have You Noticed Some HARDCORE PORN On Facebook Lately?

If so, you’re not alone!
Apparently, a hacker, who may or may not be associated with the group Anonymous, have somehow managed to inundate Facebook with not only hardcore, extremely graphic pornographic images, but also pictures of wounded animals, extremely violent images of gore, and…Jesus porn?
According to actress Courtney Zito:

“Just saw one with a guy who had his skull bashed in and his brains on the street. Another one was the devil… Besides the countless naked girls. I’m about ready to deactivate├óΓé¼┬ª”

And although this sort of thing has happened on the social networking site, this is on a whole new level, and Facebook is apparently at a loss on how to fix it! In fact, many seem to think that this is the “Guy Fawkes Virus” that hackers associated with Anonymous teased last week!
Ch-check out a news story regarding the matter (above)
Not really sure how users will be able to avoid this, but do your best, guys!

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Nov 16, 2011 16:50pm PDT

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