Glenn Beck Launched A Denim Label?!?

Former Fox News personality and anti-Gleek Glenn Beck has launched his own line of jeans and t-shirts.
The conservative commentator came up with the idea in 2011 while researching fashion industry advertising, specifically Levi’s, that celebrated protests in Europe and the Middle East to sell their products.
Beck was also flabbergasted by the fact that America’s favorite garment, jeans, was NOT being produced in Amurica (f**k yeah!)
Rather than complain, something Glenn likes to do A LOT, he teamed up with Tim Didonato and Mercury Radio Arts to launch 1791.
The 100% American-made clothing line is produced in North Carolina and Glenn insists he’s “been involved with the new jeans in every step of the process”.
Eh, he has time.
The line ranges in price from $30 for unisex tees to $129.99 a pair of made in the USA jeans and are available exclusively at
Don’t all rush to the site at once! We wouldn’t want it to crash!
Before you shop check out the confusing ad in the clip (above)!
UPDATE: Color us surprised! They sold out!