How To Get Past Feeling Awkward Working Out

If you’ve JUST started working out, you totally know what we mean.
It’s awkward to get into the groove. It’s uncomfortable around all those strangers, and then you talk yourself out of going.
Well, this FitPerezcious Reader is experiencing the same thing… but instead of internalizing it she asked our contributor Fran Drescher for help!
Here’s her question:

“Dear Fran, I’ve been trying to start an exercise program for months, but I really hate exercising. I feel uncomfortable and awkward when I’m there, and when I miss a day, I feel terrible about myself, which makes it even harder to go the next time, and then I feel bad for not going more often… It’s like I’m caught in a vicious cycle. What can I do?”

And here’s Fran’s response:

First thing, doll, let yourself off the hook! You’re stressing me out just reading your letter! I think your problem is bigger than not working out. It’s the unnecessary pressure you’re putting on yourself to be perfect. And we all know that stress is one of the biggest contributors to all kinds of chronic diseases like heart problems and cancer.
I think that women especially are vulnerable to this idea that we always have to be perfect. We put so much pressure on ourselves to be the perfect wife, mother, professional — and on top of all that, to look gorgeous 24-hours a day.
I’m gonna let you in on a little secret. The next time you go to the gym, tell yourself you’re just gonna half-ass your workout. You’re the only one counting your reps. Do five instead of ten. Who cares? You’re half-assing it! You’ll be surprised at how much easier it is to lift physical weights when you drop the psychological ones. This is a little trick you can apply in all aspects of your life. Give yourself permission to do things badly every once in a while. Don’t return all those calls today. Order Chinese instead of cooking a five-course meal. Let the kids do their own homework tonight. You’ll be surprised at how much fun you suddenly start having. And when something is fun, miraculously, you end up doing it well and stress-free.

That’s the first time we’ve ever heard someone tell someone else to half-ass something, and have it be positive!
We love it!
Thanks, Fran!
For more answers to any health questions on your mind, tweet @frandrescher #askfranforfitperez and help fight cancer by checking out her website!