Nothing can deter you from completing a workout faster than a bad case of stomach cramps.
Luckily, there are ways to prevent getting them in the first place!
A FitPerez reader named Anna is experiencing chronic stomach pains that are preventing her from adopting a regular running routine, so she wrote to fitness expert Mike Donavanik for help, asking:
Hey Mike,
Thanks so much for helping me with this.
I started running about a week ago. I had tried to get into a routine before but I always got cramps when I was running so I gave up. Now I am just braving the pain and keep running until I can’t stand the stomach cramp. Any suggestions to help this? I know I can keep running if I could get rid of this cramp.
According to Mike:
Hi Anna!
From what it sounds like, you’re getting a side cramp or “stitch” (sharp pain in your side, or sometimes in the lower abdominals) while you run.
There are a few factors that can contribute to cramping up like that, but it’s mainly a result of shallow breathing. Try to slow your breathing, take deeper breaths and focus on your form while you run, to avoid cramping up. If you do start cramping, slow your running pace down and focus on taking longer, deeper breaths – the cramp should slowly go away. It should also be noted that the better conditioned you become, the less likely these side cramps will occur.
Other factors that can contribute to stomach cramps or side cramps are eating before you run and/or drinking too much water before or during your run. The easiest thing to do is to avoid eating anything heavy, 90 minutes to 3-hours prior to running. If you need to eat something before that time, have half a banana. The same goes for water consumption, try not to drink too much water prior to running; and while you run, you should only take tiny sips of water not huge gulps.
Follow these tips and your cramps should be a thing of the past!
We hope Mike’s advice helps ease Anna’s pain! If you’ve got more questions, write [email protected] or tweet @MikeDonavanik on Twitter for more answers!
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