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Iceland's Adorable Cops Literally Have The Best Social Media EVER!

Iceland's Adorable Cops Literally Have The Best Social Media EVER!

icelandic police force loves animals so cute
Ever wonder what it’s like to be on the police force in a super safe country?
Like one of those nice northern European countries, let’s say… Iceland!
Well, we took a look — and the official Instagram account of the Reykjav├â┬¡k metropolitan police is super adorable!
So not only do these cops get to have fun on the job, they get to share it on social media and not get in trouble?
Seriously, their pics are so amazing. They eat desserts, pose with kitties, take selfies at the gym… it’s incredible.
We really love all the animal love those cops are showing! Too cute!!
Check out some more pics (above) of these cute cops hanging with adorable animals.
[Image via Instagram.]

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Sep 22, 2014 14:29pm PDT

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