It There A Way To Enhance Your Growth?

If you’ve ever wondered if there was a way for you to get taller and enhance your growth, then you are not alone!

This curious FitPerez reader asked our Jen Cohen for some advice on that very subject!

The Question:

So… I’m going to join the volleyball team soon. And I’m 5’9,which is short in volleyball terms!

I was wondering if there was anything that I can do to inhance my growth.

Here’s Jen’s response:

If I had an exercise to make you grow taller, I’d have thousands of guys beating down my door for the secret – it doesn’t exist. The good news is for volleyball, 5’9” meets the height requirements to be a libero & a setter on the college level, so you’re not out of the game. The best thing you can do for your volleyball career is to work on your technique and performance- make up for your height in speed or strength. In the end, performance matters over everything else. For example, take NBA player Spud Webb. At 5’6” he was the shortest person to ever be in, and then WIN, the NBA Slam Dunk Contest, in a career that lasted 13 years. He won out over players that were a foot and a half taller than him!

That’s a great point, and absolutely true, Jen!

Yeah, it’s a bummer that there isn’t much that will help us get taller, but the fact of the matter is that performance is usually the best way to get ahead in a sport rather than just size!

Good luck on the team!

If you’ve got a question for Jennifer, tweet her @JenCohenNGR and keep checking for more fitness advice from El Lay’s leading trainers!

Thanks, Jen!

[Image via AP Images.]