Trevor Noah

Jessica Simpson Opens Up About Having A Cup 'Always Filled To The Rim With Alcohol' During Dark Days

Jessica Simpson continues to open up about how different her life used to be… and we’re so happy to hear she’s in a much better place now.

The superstar singer sat down with TODAY host Hoda Kotb this week for a full interview about her past secret struggles with substance abuse that’ll air on Wednesday, January 29. But even hearing about it now has us super sad for the 39-year-old star, just to think about what she came from, and how long she struggled alone with it…

Related: Jessica Looks Back At Ending Her Marriage To Nick Lachey…

Speaking candidly to the TV talk show host and popular national morning personality, the singer and performer opened up about how tough it’d been to shake her reliance on alcohol. And with it, Simpson revealed just how shockingly dependent she’d become on drinking, if only to get through the days and pass the time.

The former reality TV star explained, opening up about how bad things got (below) in a sneak peek clip giving a little insight into what the full interview will look like:

“I had started a spiral and I couldn’t catch up with myself, and it was all with the alcohol. Every day I would say it, ‘I’ll stop soon. I’ll cut back.’ But I didn’t know it was a problem until it was.”


Looking back in her memoir and in interviews, nostalgia has been quite the jaw-dropper recently when it comes to Jessica Simpson. / (c) Jessica Simpson/Instagram

She wasn’t done there, either, further adding more about how much the addiction changed her.

Additionally, Simpson didn’t even really realize she had been changed until she stepped back and took a long look at herself for it:

“I completely didn’t recognize myself [while drinking that much at the time]. I always had a glitter cup. It was always filled to the rim with alcohol. I just realized that I had to surrender. It was time. I had to give it up and I was ready. I’m not going to miss another day. I’m not going to miss another Halloween. I’m not going to miss another Christmas. I’m going to be present.”

Crazy stuff. But also super inspiring to hear her come to that realization and go after what’s best in her life!

You can watch the sneak peek clip (below), before the full interview airs on Wednesday morning on TODAY


So scary to think of where she came from…

And it’s just another reminder, like much of Simpson’s memoir has been for us, that even celebs and stars have it rough — and everybody is fighting an invisible battle behind the scenes, whether we can see it, or not.

Related: Jessica’s Husband Supports Her Sobriety 100%! Yay!!!

Here’s to Jessica for doing the hard work to improve herself, and open up about publicly in a bid to hopefully help and inspire others.

We love your strength and determination, girl! So inspiring!!!

[Image via WENN/Instar]