[Warning: Potentially Triggering Content]
The battle between Johnny Depp and ex Amber Heard rages on…
As the defamation trial, in which each is attempting to prove the other is lying about the abuse allegations, continues, the latest — and, be warned, the most anatomical — testimony comes from medical professionals.
First up on Monday was Johnny’s personal doctor David Kipper. The concierge doctor explained he had been working for Depp full time to help treat his “ADHD, Bipolar 1, depression , insomnia, chronic substance abuse disorder, chronic reflux.” On the substance abuse, he specifically mentioned an addiction to alcohol, opioids, benzodiazepines, and cocaine. He testified that Johnny often exhibited quite a temper as he detoxed in an ongoing attempt to recover from his substance abuse issues, even firing him multiple times out of anger. However, he is still to this day Johnny’s personal doctor. Whether that makes him a less reliable witness is up to the jury, we suppose…
Related: Former Assistant Claims Amber STOLE Sexual Assault Story & ‘Twisted It Into Her Own’!
Part of the testimony involved confirming multiple private text messages Johnny had sent him at the height of the toxic relationship. The Oscar nominee wrote about his then-wife on March 7, 2015:
“Hi f*ck man had another one. I cannot live like this. She is as full of s**t as a Christmas Goose.”
It’s unclear what he means by “another one.” Maybe another fight? He continued:
“I’m done. NO MORE!!!! Constant insults released from a malicious evil and vindictive c**t!!!!! You know what’s far more hurtful than her venomous and degrading educational ranting??? Her hideously and purposely hurtful tirades and her goddamn shocking treatment of the man she was meant to love above all.”
He also wrote:
“Here’s the real deal mate…her obsession with herself is far more important. She is so f**king ambitious!!!! She’s so desperate for success and fame. That’s probably why I was acquired, mate. She has hammered me with what a sad old man has been I am. I’m so very sad.”
Awful stuff. Hard to believe these two ever thought they should get married…
But that was the general testimony. When it came to the most violent incident, the so-called “three-day hostage situation” Amber’s attorney described, Kipper was able to offer testimony of what he saw immediately after the fact. The doctor recalled being called to the couple’s residence after their infamously brutal fight, in which the Pirates of the Caribbean star’s finger was mutilated.
Johnny claims the tip of his finger was cut off by glass shattering as Amber was throwing bottles at him. Amber claims her ex injured himself smashing a phone, just another display of rage as he committed acts of physical and sexual violence against her.
Kipper was not there for the incident but can testify to what he saw in the aftermath as he attended to Johnny and “cleaned his wound.” The doc said in his previously recorded testimony that the place was wrecked, with broken glass and blood all over the floor. Amid the mess it took several people to even find the tip of the finger to be sewn back on. Apparently it was Johnny’s chef who ultimately found it on the kitchen floor, “where Depp and Heard had been fighting”. It was eventually brought to the hospital emergency room where it was reattached. Gross.
But what about the abuse? Well, Kipper did say despite the carnage in the room, he also saw Amber — and that she showed no signs at all of abuse or injury of any kind. While he noted she was upset, he pointed out she did not seek any medical assistance either — nor that he ever saw any signs she had been abused. This goes along with the contemporaneous testimony of Johnny’s friend and neighbor — only a doctor’s observation does carry a bit more weight.
Related: Amber’s Friend Permanently Banned From Courtroom!
Along with the doc, Johnny’s personal nurse Debbie Lloyd also testified on Monday. Like Kipper, she also testified to witnessing Johnny’s foul temper. She said she personally observed his “bloody knuckles” after a fight with Amber at his Bahamas home in 2014, after he had told her he had “punched a white board in the kitchen” in frustration.
Lloyd took careful notes throughout working with Johnny, including this one from when she treated his scraped knuckles:
“Patient refused to lie down as he didn’t want fianceé to think he didn’t care by falling asleep”
Johnny also once kicked in the door of a trailer while upset on a film set. And he texted Lloyd many times about his frustrations with Amber, for instance why she was out at a wrap party until 5 a.m. He admitted to the nurse:
“Help. I don’t know what’s real and what’s paranoiac jealousy.”
On his desire to get clean, Depp told her the “majority of issues with wife have been from him using drugs and alcohol.”
In probably the oddest exchange — which even elicited a laugh during the otherwise very serious day of court — Johnny texted his nurse an apology for refusing to see her:
“I’m truly sorry if I upset you. If you like you can give me some morphine to see if my tongue and penis touch. All my love, J.”
Sorry, to see if his tongue and penis WHAT now?! Yowza. This is how he addresses an employee??
This week Johnny and Amber are both set to testify, so this is still just the preamble, folks. See more from the medical professionals (below)!
[Image via Law & Crime/YouTube.]
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