Kanye West

Kanye West Goes OFF On Kris Jenner In Multiple Instagram Posts – And She Responds!

UPDATE 9/2/22 2:00 P.M. PST: Friday afternoon, Kanye posted again, writing in the caption:

“Yesterday was exhausting My grandmother used to say I’m tired But I ain’t weary”

What was he captioning exactly? In a screenshot of a text message sent to a contact under the name “DC”, he wrote:

“What are we doing

You haven’t responded”

See it for yourself (below):

(c) Kanye West/Instagram


UPDATE 9/2/22 11:00 A.M. PST: Kanye might have deleted all his posts from Thursday night, but come Friday morning, there was more to say! In his first post, he explains to followers:

“Here is the through line. Gap having meetings about me without me. Adidas releasing old shoes and coloring my shoes like I’m dead. Me not not having a say on where my children go to school. Call me whatever names you want. If you don’t understand why I will not back down on my businesses my brands and my children then you’re the ones who are crazy.”

He then followed it with a separate post, a text message presumably to Kim Kardashian since it involves their children’s schooling, in which he wrote:

“Idea. Kids 2 days at Donda and 3 at Sierra Canyon. Or 3 days at Donda and 2 at Sierra Canyon. Including field trips busing to educational places”

You can see the posts in the format he posted them (below):

(c) Kanye West/Instagram
(c) Kanye West/Instagram


UPDATE 9/1/22 11:00 P.M. PST: In typical Kanye fashion, he has deleted everything from his Instagram page as of late Thursday night. Sigh… Perhaps he realized he shouldn’t be airing all this out. We may never know!


Kanye West is at it again!

The 45-year-old rapper took to Instagram with multiple posts on Thursday, where he went off on a number of topics and people, including momager Kris Jenner for allowing Kylie Jenner and Kim Kardashian to shoot for Playboy magazine. He also admitted to having a porn addiction, claiming it “destroyed” his family. Alongside a screenshot of a post from the makeup mogul’s former assistant Victoria Villarroel, he wrote:

“Don’t let Kris make you do playboy like she made Kyle and Kim do Hollywood is a giant brothel Pornography destroyed my family I deal with the addiction instagram promotes it Not gonna let it happen to Northy and Chicago”

And it seems like the 67-year-old reality star isn’t too happy about about the latest call out, as she messaged Kimmy Kakes to tell Ye to “stop” all the stress he’s causing her right now! A screenshot of a text message from the SKIMS creator showed her mom asking Kanye to “please stop mentioning her name,” adding:

“I’m almost 67 years old and I don’t always feel great and this stresses me to no end.”

The Stronger artist then replied:

“Y’all don’t have so so over my black children and where they go to school. They will not do playboy and sex tapes. Tell your Clinton friend to come get me. I’m here.”

After being called out by Kris, he shared a picture of note with Travis Scott, Tristan Thompson, and Scott Disick’s names on it and a shot of a google search he did for “cum donors,” saying:

“Calling my fellow cum doners We in this 2gthr”

These are just some of many bizarre posts that Kanye has dropped in the past hour. In another message, the fashion designer declared that his four children were going to his school Donda Academy instead of Sierra Canyon School, saying:

“My kids going to Donda. They not going to Sierra Canyon. Charlemagne the God and Kris. get your motherf**king popcorn.”

Kanye then followed-up the post with a screengrab of texts with an unidentified person (seemingly Kim), asking him “to stop” with his rants. He responded:

“No, we need to talk in person, you don’t have a say so of where the kids go to school. Why you get say say? Cause you half white?”

But that still didn’t stop Kanye! He went on to slam anyone for claiming he is “spiraling” because he’s been going off on social media, writing:

“Anybody says I’m spiraling when I express the undeniable truths is a sheep. STFU and worry about you’re own kids. I am obviously dealing with wars at the highest levels of control and discrimination based on the level I’m operating at. A conductor gotta turn they back to the audience to direct the orchestra . Oh Ye crazy is basic as fuck at this point. I’m simply right. I know girls who sell p***y that don’t agree with how my daughters displayed.”

He then called out Pete Davidson too, referencing the ink Kim’s now ex-boyfriend got of her children’s initials:

“Ask Pete how that tattoo of my kids doing in the trauma unit”

Wow. Trauma unit? We know Pete said he’s in trauma counseling, in part due to the harassment from Kanye and his fans amid the comedian’s relationship with Kim, so this is a low blow.

Kanye (for now) finished by writing in yet another post:

“today is about control. MY KIDS. YZI ADI. YZI GAP. It’s up on all 3 of these issues. At the same time. Cause it’s all the same mentally that makes these people feel they can keep getting away with things”

And one more, referencing Travis Scott and presumably Scott Disick:

“These my brothers I’m only one I ever seen stand up to Kris though Come fight me I love pain”

Wow. Wonder if we’ll be getting another statement from Kim about this new round of call-outs from Kanye? You can ch-ch-check out what went down on the ‘gram (below):

(c) Kanye West/Instagram
(c) Kanye West/Instagram
(c) Kanye West/Instagram
(c) Kanye West/Instagram
(c) Kanye West/Instagram
(c) Kanye West/Instagram
(c) Kanye West/Instagram
(c) Kanye West/Instagram
(c) Kanye West/Instagram


(c) Kanye West/Instagram
(c) Kanye West/Instagram
(c) Kanye West/Instagram

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[Image via WENN]