Kanye West Goes On ANOTHER Twitter Rant -- But This Time He Addresses His Huge... Ego!

No matter how much Kim Kardashian West hates it, we don’t think Kanye West will ever stop going on his infamous Twitter rants!
On Wednesday, the 38-year-old took to social media to go on ANOTHER tweeting spree, but this time we think he might’ve actually managed to not directly offend anyone!
Related: Big Sean Defends Kanye!
He started the series of posts with by listing a bunch of artists he’d love to collaborate with, writing:

The songsmith explained that he wanted to work on a drama-free project that JUST focuses on the music, adding:

It’s interesting that the controversial celeb suddenly isn’t about politics, considering he seems to be picking a fight with everyone, and is already planning his 2020 presidential bid.
But now, Ye’s argumentative attitude seems to have changed.
The rapper, who tends to stand by his rude remarks, even revealed that he does actually regret his inflated ego sometimes, saying:

There you have it, Perezcious readers. The latest installment in Kanye’s Krazy Komments! What will he think of next?!
[Image via WENN.]