Celebrity Facts!

How To Get Kendall Jenner's Clear Skin! (Not Pictured: Proactiv)

The controversy continues!!!!
Kendall Jenner continues to take a lot of heat over her decision to become the spokesperson for Proactiv, in no small part because of how poorly the initial announcement was received on Sunday night.
Related: Kendall Sports Hot Tub Thong Mid-Controversy
People have done considerable digging, only to find that it apparently WASN’T Proactiv which helped Kendall cure her acne — it was an expensive family dermatologist in SoCal!
And back in March, further proof of that was made very clear, when the dermatologist posted this to her Instagram page all about curing Kendall’s acne (below):

No mention of Proactiv, the stuff Kendall supposedly can’t live without?! Awkward!
And still… NOT a good look for Kendall!!!
[Image via WENN.]