The plot thickens surrounding Kendall Jenner‘s absurdly blatant Proactiv spokesperson money grab…
Furor erupted all over the internet a few days ago when the KUWTK star — and Kris Jenner, her momager — teased a big, serious, important reveal that turned out to be a silly, new gig for Kenny to represent the acne fighting company.
And now, it turns out the entire thing may be B.S., altogether!!!
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As it turns out, Kylie Jenner spilled the beans on Kendall’s supposed acne-fighting regimen a few years ago… and the winner here is NOT Proactiv.
In fact, that word never comes up in this New York Times interview about the sisters’ skin care routine, when Kylie lets slip that — oops — the family dermatologist in Beverly Hills is actually the one responsible for clearing up Kenny’s acne:
“We have a family dermatologist, Christie Kidd in Beverly Hills. My sister Kendall had really bad acne when she was younger, and she really cleared it up. I thought, ‘Well if she cured Kendall, I should start to visit her.'”
Oops! That’s not Proactiv!!
But wait… it gets worse!
Kendall herself shared intimate details of her long-term battle against acne on her very own app back in 2015, and she NEVER mentioned Proactiv there, either!
Instead, the model revealed that it took “years” of working with her “incredible dermatologist” to clear things up. (We can only assume she means Dr. Kidd here, too.)
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Here’s the worst part of it all, though — when Buzzfeed called the supermodel about all this, a spokesperson for the fam said that Kenny actually used the word “cleared,” and not “cured,” when referring to the Proactiv advertisement, and that’s their argument.
What. The. F**k?!
Look, here’s the deal about all this: if you’re a celeb, and you want to endorse a product, fine. Nobody is stopping you or begrudging you for using your station in life to make some cash — goodness knows Kim Kardashian West has endorsed more than her fair share of random (and sometimes sketchy) products on Instagram — and if you’re famous and you want to make some easy money, fine. Whatever. No shame in using your celebrity to provide for your family!
BUT when you publish a teaser for the endorsement 36 hours (!) in advance that explicitly commends you for being “brave” and “vulnerable” for revealing something extremely serious and personal… and that extremely serious and personal thing turns out to be you’re the paid spokesperson for an acne-fighting company, which isn’t extremely serious or personal at all… you probably should understand why everybody’s pissed off at you for one of the truly tackiest bait-and-switch tricks we’ve ever seen.
Especially when it turns out the product you’re pimping didn’t even cure your acne in the first place!
Between this and that infamous Pepsi ad controversy, at least one thing is very clear: Kenny and momager Kris have made some TRULY awful business decisions of late. Yikes!!!
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[Image via Instagram.]