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Kid Falls Off Sled, Dog Hops On And Finishes Ride!

Kid Falls Off Sled, Dog Hops On And Finishes Ride!

Ha! That’s HIGHlarious!!

A kid was being filmed by his mom as he tried to sled down a hill.

Well, toboggan to be exact.

The difference is a toboggan has no way to be steered, making it that much more fun/dangerous.

As you can see by how quickly the kid falls off, it’s not the easiest thing to ride.

Unless you’re a dog of course!!

The second the kid flops off, his french bulldoggy hops on and rides down the hill!!

So ridiculously cute. Looks like so much fun!

Check out the video (above) to see a cutie dog go for a sled ride!

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Sep 27, 2013 17:31pm PDT

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