Kim Kardashian Dissed For Trying To Act In Tyler Perry’s Temptation

It’s never nice to slam a momma-to-be.
But luckily Kim Kardashian probably has a pretty thick skin, and she’ll need it!
Kim was already hassled for even being CAST in Tyler Perry’s Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor, but now she’s getting even more hassle for not quite pulling off the role.
But she knows so much about marriage! We kid, we kid!!
Critics have already laid into the reality TV star for her attempt at playing Ava, a marriage counselor.
Jenni Miller of commented on the starlet:

“Her coworker Ava is played by Kim Kardashian, a true feat of stunt casting that’s only made all the more impressive by her inability to inject the slightest bit of emotion into her steady stream of insults.”

Meanwhile, Alonso Duralde of The Wrap added:

“Kim Kardashian, as nasal and awful an actress as you might imagine.”

But that wasn’t the end of it as Joel D Amos of wrote:

“It is there we also meet the Kim Kardashian character. Let’s just say that the question of whether the celebrity gossip maven can act is answered within 60 seconds of her cold absence of any feeling performance.”

Those sour reviews surely have to sting no matter how confident you are with yourself.
Luckily, we think Kim will be just fine without a successful acting career.
Especially since she has Kanye West cheer her up after a bad day!
[Image via revolutionpix/WENN.]