Leonardo DiCaprio Explains What Happened When He Met Donald Trump

Despite his best efforts, Leonardo DiCaprio has not been able to convince Donald Trump of the reality of climate change.
And the Oscar winner is pissed!
Related: Leo Has Strong Words For Donnie’s “Careless Decision”
In a recent Yale Climate Conference panel discussing his meeting with the then-President Elect in December, the actor told John Kerry how he tried reasoning with former The Apprentice host:

“We presented him with a comprehensive plan to tackle climate change, while also simultaneously harnessing the economic potential of green jobs. We talked about how the United States has the potential to lead the world in clean-energy manufacturing and research and development.”

And Leo went on to say he believes history won’t look back fondly on his Presidency because of it, slamming POTUS:

“We should not have people in office who do not believe in facts and truths and modern science that are able to manipulate and risk the entire future of this entire generation.”

He’s talking about you, Donnie!
DiCaprio continued:

“We are at that turning point right now, and we are going to look back at this point in history, and frankly this administration, and certain people are going to be vilified for not taking action. They really are. And it’s up to this generation, it’s up to all of you to get involved and make a difference.”

What a scary time.
You can watch Leo’s conversation with John (below)!

[Image via Media Punch/WENN.]