Lindsanity Might NOT Be Starring In Porn Star Biopic!

This is probably a good idea.

Lindsay Lohan may not be starring in the Linda Lovelace biopic as previously reported because she is unsure about what the role will do for her troubled acting career.

A source reveals:

“She is not officially locked into the movie yet. She does have some reservations about doing the film. She is putting herself in a narrow box. Her photo shoots all look similar and now, she’s considering starring in the Lovelace film about the famous porn star.”

But she’s still in a downward spiral professionally as she’s bailing on meetings with people who want to attempt to help revive her career, notably Britney Spears‘ manager Larry Rudolph.

An insider says:

“They had a meeting set up in the fall and Lindsay skipped out on it. Larry was doing it as a friendly gesture, and Lindsay didn’t even show up. Lindsay and Ryan [Seacrest] spoke and he wanted to connect her with certain people. He’s a great guy and he put the wheels in motion for her to meet with people like Larry Rudolph that could help her jump start her career again. She didn’t follow up.

When it comes to Lindsay attending something, her people actually warn in advance that she may not show up. They get burned so often by her not showing up that now they just tell people how it is. There’s no guarantee with Lindsay. There are people offering her help and support, but she is missing out on a lot of it.”

She better get her shiz together or there is absolutely the guarantee that Hollywood will shut her out for good!

Sad, sad.

[Image via WENN.]