
Los Angeles Street Parking War Goes Viral -- See The Epic Standoff!

Parking in Los Angeles is always a struggle. For some, it’s a battle to the death… of their car battery. 
Thankfully, no batteries were lost when two stubborn El Lay drivers sat idly in their cars for over an hour while fighting over a coveted streetside parking spot in Koreatown. They did, however, go viral thanks to some A-list live tweeting from a Twitter user who documented the entire curbside standoff.
On Monday, Twitter user @Mrhflirs spotted the Black and Silver cars battling over an open parking space outside her Koreatown apartment. The videos showed the two vehicles refusing to yield an inch as they rested bumper-to-bumper on the residential street.
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According to the event’s documentarian, the clash of the Sedans started just before 6:30 p.m. when both cars arrived to take the spot at the same time. Apparently, the Black car zoomed passed the spot before quickly reversing and attempting to back into it — but, by that time, its Silver opponent was already about to pull into the spot from behind.  
Neither car was willing to move and look for another spot… so the standoff began:

In true, passive aggressive El Lay fashion, neither driver ever got out of their car to confront the other.
Instead, they both stayed parked in the classic box-out angle to prevent the other from fully taking the open space.

The battle even led to a traffic buildup on the busy street, with passing cars having to go into the opposite lanes and drive into oncoming traffic to get past the dueling drivers.
To make matters more hilarious, a space opened up across the street from the standoff at one point, but neither was apparently willing to give up the space they had been fighting over. This wasn’t about a damn parking spot anymore: it was personal.

Finally, the battle was resolved after over an hour when a third party emerged from a nearby apartment complex and heroically moved the car that was parked right in front of the open space, giving both cars plenty of room to park their cars.

But even after they both parked, the drivers still remained inside their cars — neither ready to face their opponent. It’s unclear if the two got out and made amends or if they are still in their cars as of this writing.

JK, Silver got out first. (Way to be the bigger person!)

The Twitter user who documented the battle left notes on both cars, letting the drivers know they had gone viral. She even left them an email address where they could give both sides of their story:

We have a feeling both drivers just want to move past this.
[Image via Twitter]