Her Madgesty is really trying to live up to her pledge to Al Gore to be more green.
On Tuesday night, the Queen of Pop flew from New York to London….in a commercial plane!!! Gasp.
And, in a marked contrast to the way she treated a fan just days earlier, Madonna was supper nice on Tuesday night.
Maybe she reads PerezHilton.com????
Here’s an exclusive and funny report from ENZO aka Hulaboy3 for Drowned Madonna:
“Madonna left New York tonight (Tues July 31) at 10:30 pm. She took a British airways flight back to London. She was with Angela Becker and her new assistant. There were about 4 fans and 2 paparazzi, no security at all, only her driver. You were able to go up to talk to her if you wanted – very quiet, no one said anything, just took our photos and video.
We watched Madonna go through airport security. She had to take her shoes, jewelry etc off. Three times she went through the metal detector and set it off. Each time she went back and had to take off more jewlery or something else. On the third try, she passed the detector without it beeping and she turned around with her arms raised in celebration that she made it through.
it was really crazy cause Madonna is like a baby, first she tried to take off her bracelet and she couldn’t undo the clasp and so she put her hand out for Angela to do it. The next time it was her watch she had to take off and once again she couldn’t do it and just stuck her arm out for Angela to take it off for her.
All in all though, she looked much better in person than they usually make her look in photos. Her arms looked nice, her skin and face looked beautiful. Not too old or too skinny or anything like that that we always hear.”
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