Celebrity Makeovers Like You've Never Seen! Behold... The 8 Funniest #MakeupTransformations!!

A little contouring and highlighting can go a long way!
Actually, so far in fact, that you can look like a completely different person, especially since the wildly popular #MakeupTransformation hashtag on social media isn’t just used for showing off makeup tricks anymore.
With a little imagination and good humor, guys and girls alike are using foundation and more to look like their fave celebs. And the results are HIGHlarious!
Ch-ch-check out the top seven transformations …AFTER THE JUMP!!!
We can’t imagine Kanye West not approving this one (below)!

Apparently accessories can go a long way, too!

Just look at how creative some people are getting…

Werking the right angles are a must!

But it’s not just about the makeup, as it is about the clothing. DONE and DONE.

Moisturizer also seems to be a common theme!

Well, we can’t imagine Jeremy Meeks is too pleased to be going viral again.

Which one is UR fave???
[Image via _Rizzo_/Instagram.]