Star Wars

The Mandalorian's Gina Carano Booted From Disney+ Series After Social Media Controversy

Gina Carano has been exiled from a galaxy far, far away.

Carano starred as Cara Dune in the first two seasons of The Mandalorian, Disney+’s first television entry into the Star Wars universe. The character was an initial fan favorite, but the actress became controversial for her political social media posts.

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On Tuesday, the 38-year-old riled the fanbase with some extremely tone-deaf Instagram Stories. One depicted a person’s face covered in masks with the caption, “Meanwhile in California.” One screengrab captured by a follower was her re-post of an incredibly upsetting photo, along with a message comparing right-leaning political views to being Jewish in Nazi Germany. (Some eyebrow-raising posts remained, like a strange graphic with the message, “Jeff Epstein didn’t kill himself,”below.)

Reminder, Republicans literally have Nazis on their side, supporting them, and voting them into office. The audacity to make such a comparison…

Also, you can think there’s something sketchy with Epstein’s death and NOT think everything else has to be a conspiracy.

Needless to say, these totally inappropriate posts raised huge concerns in the fandom. #FireGinaCarano began trending on Twitter, with users tagging Disney, Lucasfilm, and The Mandalorian creator Jon Favreau. Gina and her followers tried to drown it out with a #WeLoveGinaCarano hashtag, but the support was too little, too late.

On Thursday, LucasFilm confirmed that the former MMA fighter had been fired. They explained in a statement:

“Gina Carano is not currently employed by Lucasfilm and there are no plans for her to be in the future. Nevertheless, her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable.”

Hmm. It almost seems like they’re trying to imply she was fired before this week’s slew of controversial posts. Yet Variety reported the firing happened on Wednesday night, and a source for The Hollywood Reporter shared:

“They have been looking for a reason to fire her for two months, and today was the final straw.”

Gina is pretty much the definition of “fumbled the bag” right now. Not only has she also been dropped by her agency (UTA), but THR reported that Disney dropped plans for a spinoff led by her character due to her previous controversial tweets.

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In the fall of 2020, the Deadpool star posted messages that included misinformation about masks and voter fraud in the presidential election. In a more mean spirited move, she added the phrase “beep/bop/boop” to her Twitter bio, mocking other users’ inclusion of their pronouns. She later removed the hurtful phrase, claiming (dubiously) that she “didn’t know” why people would include them in their bios. Many fans suspected Gina of transphobia after the incident.

It seems like the right move for Disney and Lucasfilm to move on from Carano. Upsetting political views aside, she doesn’t even have the sense to keep those toxic views off of social media, even with her career on the line! There are plenty more characters to explore in the Star Wars universe.

[Image via WENN/Avalon & Disney+]