Margaret Qualley

Margaret Qualley's Parent Trap Story Is SO Funny & SO Sad!

Margaret Qualley is taking a look back at her mom Andie MacDowell‘s love life!

During the actress’ cover story for Harper’s Bazaar, which was published on Thursday, the 28-year-old spoke to the outlet about her childhood. During the interview, she mentioned how way back in 2001 she was obsessed with the 1998 movie The Parent Trap — you know, just like the rest of us were:

“I would tell my mom how much I loved The Parent Trap and be like, ‘We should watch it. It’s a really smart movie. They make a lot of good decisions in that movie.'”

It had been only two years since her movie star momma had divorced her dad, Paul Qualley, at the time. And Margaret thought Lindsay Lohan was a pretty good blueprint in the movie. In case you’ve somehow never seen the iconic film, it follows LiLo’s dual role as twins Hallie and Annie as they set out on a mission to get their divorced parents back together. It’s no surprise why a then-7-year-old would become obsessed with the flick after her own parents called it quits. So sad!

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But the Maid star was in for one hell of a surprise! Later that same year, her mother brought home her new beau — and much to the little girl’s surprise it was Dennis Quaid AKA the FATHER in The Parent Trap:

“She comes home and she’s like, ‘Margaret, I know how much you love The Parent Trap…’ And I was like, ‘Yeah?’ and waiting with bated breath, hoping my parents were getting back together. And then in walks Dennis Quaid — her new boyfriend. I wasn’t living in Hollywood; I was living in a normal suburban town. But then I would have these ‘what in the world?’ moments.”


The Once Upon A Time… In Hollwood star was hoping her mom would be announcing she’d be getting back together with her dad. But instead the now-65-year-old brought home the guy who starred in her favorite movie?! We wouldn’t even know what to think if we were her! FYI, Andie and Dennis only dated for a short period in 2001 after filming Dinner With Friends, so he didn’t stay around very long.

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[Image via Walt Disney Pictures/HBO/YouTube/MEGA/WENN]