Maria Menounos And Maria Shriver Attend Special Olympics World Games 2011!

The Special Olympics World Games 2011 is being held in Greece, at the Kallimarmaron Panthinaikon Olympic Stadium, where the first olympics of the modern era was located!

We absolutely LOVE seeing support for these games, and this year was no exception! In attendance was Maria Menounos, Maria Shriver, Stevie Wonder, and Venessa Williams!

Menounos presented a dedication to the late Eunice Kennedy Shriver, founder of Special Olympics and introduced the 2011 Special Olympics Global Messengers. Stevie and Venessa were also a part of the opening ceremonies.

Here’s what else Maria did:

While in Athens, Menounos spent time with the athletes, Global Messengers, and volunteers. She participated in the official Special Olympics press conference, moderated a Special Olympics Conversation Series “How Do We Tell Special Olympics Story” and took in the games.

What a fantastic thing to do, and what a wonderful way to show your support to these very important and inspiring games!

We DEF wish that more celebs would help out, because this is such a worthy cause!

Good luck to all the participants!