4 Ingredient Vegan Cookies And Cream Ice Cream!

I’m obsessed with chocolate ice cream, and love the new versions that are vegan and gluten-free with a coconut base. With my habit getting out of control (these cartons are about $7 each) I figured I needed to make it myself! This is the perfect base recipe for making ice cream; just start experimenting with different flavor combinations and discover your favorite (I add a splash of mint extract to mine for a thin mint kick).

1 can (14 ounce) coconut milk
2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
1/3 cup sugar
10 crushed chocolate cookies (I use the GF Chocolate animal crackers)

Blend the first 3 ingredients in blender or food processor for 30 seconds. Pour into ice cream maker and follow the manufactures instructions. During last few minutes, add crushed cookies. Transfer to freezer safe container, and freeze until ready to serve. Don’t have an ice cream maker? Check out my website for tips on making your own at home!

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