
Matt Gaetz Fought AGAINST Revenge Porn Law For This DISGUSTING Reason! Yuck!

The saga of Matt Gaetz continues…

Ever since the (apparently) sketchiest of sketchy characters on Team Trump was revealed to be under investigation by the Department of Justice for child s*x trafficking and more, more and more has come out about the Florida Congressman.

First, the investigation seems to center around Gaetz’s relationship with a 17-year-old girl. What’s at issue, according to The New York Times, is whether he gave one or more young women money (or gifts of value) in exchange for s*x. So that’s already gross.

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Gaetz has gone straight to the Trump playbook for his defense, claiming it’s all a political witch hunt — even though we’ve learned the investigation was started under Attorney General Bill Barr (and reportedly personally seen and approved by the Donald Trump appointee).

But the thing about the wild claims against Gaetz is… they’re ringing true for a lot of people. Even stalwart Republican defender Meghan McCain admitted to having heard icky rumors about the 38-year-old.

The investigation also brought to the spotlight something pretty disturbing that there is no denying. Matt Gaetz was the only NO vote in all of the House and Senate on a 2017 anti-human trafficking bill. The only one. Out of 535 Representatives and Senators. He alone stood on the side of human trafficking.

Now obviously he had his reasons. He defended the vote later, calling it an unconstitutional “expansion of the federal government.” So, like… states’ rights but for s*x trafficking??

Anyway, that was apparently NOT an isolated incident.

Former Florida Rep. Tom Goodsen has now come forward, telling the Orlando Sentinel he spent three years trying to make nonconsensual pornography, aka “revenge porn”, illegal in the state. The one who fought him the strongest on it? Matt Gaetz.

Goodsen, also a Republican btw, claims in a meeting Gaetz argued against the bill, declaring nude photos and videos sent to a romantic partner BELONGED to that partner for good. He told the Sentinel:

“Matt was absolutely against it. He thought the picture was his to do with what he wanted. He thought that any picture was his to use as he wanted to, as an expression of his rights.”

Now obviously you can wonder if this was just another coincidental hypothetical for Gaetz — like his weird concern about the strengthening of anti-human trafficking laws — but we already have reason to believe he has a personal stake in protecting revenge porn distributors.

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Two Congressional sources have already come forward to CNN claiming the Republican Rep. was known to show other lawmakers nude photos of women he said he had slept with as “a point of pride.”

One source was quite specific, saying one of the photos featured a nude young woman with a hula hoop.

In any case, it’s yet another piece of the Matt Gaetz puzzle, and the more of it we see, the worse it looks for him.

[Image via WENN/Instar.]