Matthew Perry

One Aspect Of Matthew Perry's Death Still Under Investigation MONTHS Later!

Months after Matthew Perry took his final breaths, police are STILL puzzled by one contributing factor in his death.

When news first broke of the late Friends star’s tragic passing in October of last year, the popular belief was he was completely clean and sober after struggling with a drug addiction for decades. After all, that’s what he said in his memoir book tour. But two months later when his toxicology report finally came in, the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner’s Office blamed “the acute effects of ketamine.”

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It was revealed Matty had been doing ketamine therapy as a treatment for depression under the watchful supervision of medical professionals. But come to find out, his final infusion was about a week and half before his death, and “since ketamine’s half-life is 3 to 4 hours, or less,” his death “could not be from that infusion therapy.” So that means he took the drug the day of his death — meaning he must have sourced some out from somewhere other than those proper medical professionals. And that’s the angle cops are still trying to crack.

Law enforcement sources told TMZ on Tuesday  both the Los Angeles Police Department and the Drug Enforcement Administration have been investigating for MONTHS — despite the case being officially closed in January.

It’s not clear exactly how close they are to getting more answers, but TMZ reported the law enforcement agencies have interviewed some Hollywood figures about it — particularly ones who have had a history with drug abuse. Not necessarily because they’re believed to have been the source of the ketamine, but because they could potentially know who was.


We wonder who they’ve talked to? Obviously Matty had tons of friends in the industry… Thoughts??

[Image via WENN]